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Nicaragua sued Germany for violating Genocide Convention

Managua, March 1 (Prensa Latina) Nicaragua today filed a lawsuit before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Germany, for violations of the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, an official note released here.

The text states that the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their additional protocols are intransgressible principles of international humanitarian and general law in relation to the occupied Palestinian territory, particularly the Gaza Strip.

According to the document presented by the Sandinista Government, to date, out of a population of approximately 2.3 million people, at least 29,782 Palestinians have died in Gaza and another 70,043 have been injured, which adds up to more than 100 thousand people dead, injured or missing.

He added that 1.7 million Palestinians have been forcibly displaced and the majority are currently in the Rafah governorate, which has become the largest refugee camp in the world.

“With all the available public news and videos of the atrocities as they occurred, together with the statements of international officials and with the Court Order of January 26, 2024; “Germany cannot deny its knowledge of the serious illegality of Israel’s conduct,” he stressed.

Nor can it deny -the text stated- that its knowledge generated obligations under international law to prevent genocide, not to aid or assist, nor to be an accomplice of genocide, and to guarantee respect for the norms of international humanitarian law, among others.

“Germany has provided political, financial and military support to Israel knowing, at the time of authorization, that the military equipment would be used to commit serious violations of international law,” it detailed. Likewise, it stated that the German government also cut off assistance to the Palestine Refugee Agency (UNRWA), which is the main entity in charge of delivering aid to the occupied Palestinian territories.

“Germany is perfectly aware of the deadly impact in practical terms of its decision to cut funding to UNRWA, which amounts to the collective punishment of millions of Palestinians, particularly the inhabitants of Gaza,” he emphasized.

He recalled that on February 2, Nicaragua sent a verbal note to Germany, with which it urged its government to immediately stop the supply of weapons, ammunition, technology and components to Israel, in addition to demanding the European country’s decision to suspend the funds to Unrwa.

“Unfortunately, the supply of military weapons and other types of assistance that can be used in the illegal acts that are being committed has not ceased or decreased; in fact, it has increased and now adds to the imminent prospect of Unrwa soon stopping its operations due to lack of funds,” he argued.

He stressed that Germany continues to ignore its obligations and actively facilitates Israel’s violations of the norms of international law, to the serious and immediate detriment of the Palestinian people.

He affirmed that Nicaragua adopted this decision in accordance with its obligations under international law to guarantee respect for the aforementioned fundamental international norms and customary international law.

The letter reaffirmed the firm commitment of the Sandinista Executive to the rule of law at the international level and the peaceful resolution of disputes.
