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Venezuela strongly condemns new Israeli massacre in Gaza

Caracas, Feb 29 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela strongly condemned on Thursday what it called Israel's lethal attack against Palestinian citizens in northern Gaza, which massacred at least 104 civilians while they were waiting for the delivery of humanitarian aid.

“This abominable act” is added to the continuous inhumane actions of extermination against innocent and defenseless civilians that have been taking place since the onset of the escalation of violence on October 7 and until now, under the absolute impunity of the Israeli Government, a communiqué referred.

The Bolivarian Government denounced, once again, before the international community “the systematic practice of annihilation and genocide” pursued by the Zionist forces against the people of Palestine in the territory of the Gaza Strip.

In that regard, the Government reiterated the “urgent call” to the international community and international organizations, based on the moral, legal and humanitarian responsibilities of States, to put an end to the flagrant arbitrariness on the part of Israel and its violation of international laws and conventions.

Likewise, the imperative need to put an end to the continuous war crimes against the Palestinian people which, after almost five months of conflict, amount to over 30,000 deaths.

The Bolivarian Republic expressed its willingness to continue supporting initiatives and efforts that contribute to the search for “a comprehensive, just and lasting peace solution” to the Palestinian question, which considers the withdrawal of Israel from the occupied Palestinian territories based on the 1967 borders.

In addition to facilitate the establishment of an independent Palestinian State, with East Jerusalem as its capital, the communiqué stressed.
