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Cuban Embassy in US celebrates historic ties with Afro-Americans

Washington, Feb 27 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban Embassy in the United States opened its doors to celebrate the culture, history and friendship that have characterized the ties with the African American community until today, on the occasion of Black Heritage Month.

In her welcoming remarks to the participants in a meeting at the diplomatic headquarters, the head of the Cuban Mission, Lianys Torres, highlighted these ties.

She recalled the reception received by the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, when he traveled to New York in 1960 to participate in the UN General Assembly and they opened their arms and hearts to him in Harlem.

The meeting, which was attended by representatives of culture, academics, university students, religious and businessmen, among others, was grateful -he said- for all those links of culture, history and friendship.

A well-chosen segment featuring vocalist, writer and activist Ayanna Gregory; DC Casinos dancers couple Adrian Valdivia and Naomi Washington, jazz singer Chuck Holden, and the strong and catchy sound of Farafina Kan’s drums, added a touch of distinction to the evening.

In addition, those present enjoyed a photographic exhibition inspired by the friendship forged by Cuba’s National Poet Nicolás Guillén with Langston Hughes, one of the leading voices of the Harlem Renaissance, in the 1930s.

In statements to Prensa Latina, several of the attendees expressed their gratitude to the Cuban embassy for this initiative and reiterated their vision of the need to improve ties between the United States and t the Caribbean island.

Every year, in the month of February, Black Heritage Month is commemorated in the United States to honor the achievements and struggles of African-Americans throughout the country’s history.
