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PSUV announces great mobilization in Caracas due to Chávez’s speech

Caracas, Feb 26 (Prensa Latina) The first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, announced today a great mobilization and concentration in Caracas next Thursday to remember two decades of the anti-imperialist speech delivered by Commander Hugo Chávez.

In his traditional Monday press conference, the political leader indicated that the revolutionary forces will meet to commemorate that speech before thousands of people in the Botanical Garden, where the Bolivarian leader clearly and transparently expressed his political position on the Bolivarian Revolution.

Chávez there expressed being “totally and absolutely anti-imperialist,” he stressed.

Cabello pointed out that to be true, a revolution must at some point confront imperialism, and added that “we have survived” because of the conscience of the people.

We have been colliding for quite some time and we have survived and we will continue to survive, thanks to the conscience of the people, he remarked.

The also head of the Homeland Bloc in the National Assembly stated, last week, that in that speech Chávez declared the socialist character of the Bolivarian Revolution.

He stressed that this speech will always be present in those who fight today to counteract the attacks of imperialism and its lackeys, and affirmed that anti-imperialism constitutes a line of action and reason for a true revolution.

Cabello commented on the mechanism established by the US president, Joe Biden, to negotiate directly with the Government of President Nicolás Maduro, “whether Marco Rubio, former President Iván Duque and whoever likes it.”

“It is a direct conversation” and if they are going to impose new sanctions “it will already be their problem because that does not depend on us,” but on those in charge there.

The political leader commented that the United States has many energy problems and “we have all the oil they need” for the next 100 years, the only thing is that they have to pay for it in a commercial transaction, he emphasized.

“We want to be friends, yes, but the only thing we ask for is respect,” he said.

Cabello denounced a great campaign against the Venezuelan demonym in the United States and other countries, thanks to the opponents Julio Borges, María Corina Machado, Leopoldo López, Leopoldo Castillo and Alberto Federico Ravel, who today continue to aspire for us to give them the resources.
