Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Nicaraguan authority predicts victory of FSLN in regional elections

Bluefields, Nicaragua, Feb 26 (Prensa Latina) Keitha Cooper, political secretary of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) in Bluefields predicted a new victory for the Unida Nicaragua Triunfa alliance in the next regional elections on March 3rd.

According to Cooper, the challenge in Bluefields, capital of the Southern Caribbean Coast (almost 400 kilometers east of Managua), is to achieve 100% success for the alliance’s candidates in most or all of the constituencies.

In statements to Prensa Latina, the politician highlighted that “we are quite encouraged, the truth is that we try to bring out all the people and tell them the importance of these regional elections (…) There is a lot to vote for, to continue with the progress we have had, I believe that everything is really visible, we are seeing a Government model where the Atlantic coast is included, we can see all the roads, and now we have access to all municipalities by land,” she emphasized.

Keitha Cooper mentioned the roads that reach the communities, which makes it easier for farmers to go out to sell their products, in addition to the advances in other important sectors such as health, education, and sports.

Moreover, she pointed out the importance of the training process in which all political party alliances that are involved in this electoral contest participated, to guarantee and verify that the process is developed in order and with quality. “We have our group that is going to work at polling stations and the idea is that they are trained to be able to guarantee the vote and that there are no inconsistencies,” she stressed.

In addition, she referred to the characteristics of these elections concerning the guarantee of gender equality, which was established for the first time constitutionally for all political parties. “That is another achievement that we have obtained with the Sandinista Government, it is not like before when women were behind or were made invisible, not now, we have the same rights and we are on the same level with men,” she stated.

In the “Victorious Caribbean Elections 2024”, the citizens of the two autonomous regions will elect 180 members of the regional councils between owners and alternates.
