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Caravans against US blockade against Cuba in Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo, Feb 25 (Prensa Latina) Two caravans against the United States blockade against Cuba took place on Sunday simultaneously in this capital and Santiago de los Caballeros, in the north of the Dominican Republic.

Dozens of vehicles with Cuban and national flags, photos of Cuban National Hero José Martí, and signs that read “No to the Blockade against Cuba,” “Cuba Yes, Blockade No,” accompanied the caravans, organized by the members of the Solidarity Campaign with Cuba in the two territories.

Also present were representation of the Máximo Gómez Association of Cuban Residents in the Dominican Republic, headed by its president, Nelson Valdés.

From the exit of the Heroes Center, on the capital’s Enrique Jiménez Moya Avenue, to Parque de la Independencia, a historic site in the colonial zone, the voices of local people who spontaneously demanded an end to the US blockade against Cuba from the sidewalks were heard. On the occasion, Roberto Payano, National Coordinator of the Campaign, asked the Government of President Luis Abinader to intercede with the Joe Biden administration to change its policy on Cuba, another country that is friendly to the Dominican Republic, and to which we are united by historic relations.

Payano urged the US charge d’affaires in the Dominican Republic to notify his government that solidarity with Cuba here is attentive to the mistreatment of that friendly people who have resisted Washington’s hostile policy for more than six decades.

Keeping Cuba in an economic, commercial and financial blockade, which even prohibits third countries from selling food and medicine to the island, is a crime that affects Cuban families, he pointed out.

The friends of Cuba also called on President Joe Biden to exclude Havana from the spurious State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list, made by the Government of the United States, and recalled that the US president has the power to delete the Caribbean nation from that list.

Nelson Valdés, in turn, referred to the effects of the blockade, and among them he mentioned the impossibility of making money transfers to Cuba because US provisions prevent banks from doing so.

It was another day of support for Cuba, for the lifting of the blockade and supporting for the Cuban family.
