Friday, September 20, 2024
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Council of State of Cuba analyzes measures to boost the economy

Havana, Feb 20 (Prensa Latina) The Council of State (CS) of the Republic of Cuba analyzed the measures aimed at correcting distortions and re-boosting the economy in the context the country is facing.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero explained details of the political and communication assurance plan for the decisions to be adopted.

Marrero reported that details related to agriculture and commerce in the measures announced last December are being adjusted, and work is being done on modifying the legal regulations of local development projects.

The head of Government also ratified that none of the provisions of the economic adjustment and reactivation plan will come into force until the conditions for its application are met and protection for people in vulnerable situations is guaranteed.

Marrero pointed out that government authorities will keep the population duly informed and will systematically evaluate the impact of each decision, under the principle that no citizen will be left helpless.

In turn, the Council of State chairman Esteban Lazo urged to explain this process, which requires the participation of all actors in Cuban society.

Lazo maintained that the CS has the responsibility for systematically evaluating the impact of decisions on the population, in correspondence with the mandate conferred on the body by the Constitution and national laws.

He also emphasized that the People’s Power system must contribute to raising the population’s understanding of the need to implement corrective measures in the Cuban economy which also seek to maintain and strengthen the main achievements of the Revolution.
