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Ecuador announces that Russia lifted veto on banana exporters

Quito, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) The Foreign Ministry announced that the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Control of Russia lifted restrictions on five Ecuadorian banana exporters.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, Gabriela Sommerfeld, spoke on the X platform about the “good news” for the productive sector and stressed that “permanent dialogue and coordinated work bring results”.

In a video shared by the Foreign Ministry, the Ecuadorian ambassador in Moscow, Juan Fernando Holguin, thanked the authorities of the Eurasian country for handling the issue from a technical point of view.

On February 2, Russia stopped the purchase of Ecuadorian bananas from five companies on the grounds of the systematic detection of the so-called humpback fly in the fruit, a pest considered dangerous.

This restriction affected 21% of total banana exports to Russia, the main destination of this product. On Thursday, the Ecuadorian government announced that an official mission would travel to Russia to try to solve the dilemma.

The withdrawal occurred amid the tension generated because Ecuador decided to deliver to the United States presumably unused Russian military material.
