Saturday, September 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Cuban ambassador to Serbia visits Prince Alexander

Belgrade, Feb 13 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Ambassador to Serbia Leyde Ernesto Rodriguez visited the Royal Palace and met with Prince Alexander, diplomatic sources informed on Tuesday.

The Cuban diplomat thanked the Prince for the cordial and hospitable reception and expressed his gratitude for the congratulatory message, dated January 1, 2024, on the occasion of Cuba’s Liberation Day.

The message also expresses wishes of success for Cuba in 2024, and the interest in the further strengthening of Serbian-Cuban relations for the benefit of both peoples.

Rodriguez told His Royal Highness about the intensified economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against Cuba and the damage caused to financial transactions and economic relations, due to its extraterritorial effect.

The host, in turn, considered those sanctions unjust and expressed his admiration for the progress in political-diplomatic relations, but also in collaboration in several sectors, as was informed by the highest authorities of both governments in June 2023. After the official meeting, the Cuban ambassador was invited to a guided tour of the rooms and facilities of the Royal Palace, where he learned about the history and essential cultural aspects of the Serbian royal family.
