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Delivery of food to community kitchens in Argentina demanded

Buenos Aires, Feb 12 (Prensa Latina) The Union of Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP) filed an appeal before the Argentine Judiciary to force the Ministry of Human Capital to deliver food to community soup kitchens, Página 12 daily reported.

According to the newspaper, the appeal was supported by UTEP general secretary Alejandro Gramajo, the Center for Legal and Social Studies, and Patria Grande Front leader Juan Grabois in light of the current crisis and the consequences of the Government’s measures for vulnerable sectors.

The document states there is a budget to assist, “both from a program financed by the United Nations and a national program, but the state’s inaction means that many people do not have access to a daily plate with food.

The leading right affected is the right to food of those who attend the soup kitchens and depend on them for their subsistence. They also suffer damage to their health, their dignity, and their physical and mental integrity, according to the text.

There is a network of 41,000 such institutions recognized by the country. The request is to restore the food supply to these places, it points out.

It also states that since Javier Milei assumed the presidency in December 2023, those places have stopped receiving any input or transfer of funds.
