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Syrian president denounces US warlike actions in the region

Damascus, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad considered today that the behavior of the United States and its support for the current Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip threatens to expand the magnitude of the conflict and regionalize it. This position of the head of state was expressed during his reception this Sunday in this capital to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, Hussein Amir Abdullahian.

Washington continues to supply lethal weapons to Israel and continues its aggressions and attacks in several regions and countries in the Middle East, he assured.

He opined that the Israeli regime and the West are today in a real crisis due to their war in Gaza, and denounced that the Israeli escalation in Palestine and against Syria and Lebanon seeks to get Tel Aviv out of its crisis.

Al-Assad stressed that it is a duty to be at the side of the Palestinian people because the latter achieved during their confrontation with the occupier in Gaza what has not been achieved during decades of struggle.

On the other hand, he noted that the Zionist entity was not enough with its horrible crimes in its current aggression against Gaza, but is preparing to continue its genocide in the city of Rafah.

He criticized the inability of international organizations, particularly the Security Council, to stop these massacres.

Likewise, Al-Assad and Abdullahian reviewed the bilateral political and economic relations between the two countries, the Israeli attacks on Syrian territory and events in the region.

The head of Iranian diplomacy considered that the Gaza issue is now the main one not only at the regional level but also at the international level.

Syria is on the front line in supporting the Palestinian people and their cause, he specified.
