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Chile’s Cronica Digital highlights new Operation Truth in Cuba

Santiago de Chile, Jan 22 (Prensa Latina) The Editor in Chief of the Chilean alternative Cronica Digital daily Ivan Gutierrez stressed on Monday the significance of the New Operation Truth International Forum being held in Cuba to debate on challenges faced by disinformation and fake news.

The majestic event, organized by Prensa Latina News Agency, takes up the call made in 1959 by the historic leader of the Revolution Fidel Castro, who gathered a significant number of journalists to refute campaigns against the newly-formed social project in Cuba.

Gutierrez recalled Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel’s speech at the event’s opening, by the time the head of State said that in every place where there is an alternative media project to the hegemonic dictates of the West, there is an active Operation Truth.

That is precisely what thousands of initiatives in Latin America do, giving from social networks the ideological fight for changes, a David-VS-Goliath fight, in which we are able to create journalistic and editorial alliances, he underscored.

From Cronica Digital, we have reached agreements with Prensa Latina, but also with Xinhua, Hispan TV and the Sahara Press Service Saharawi agency, Gutierrez added.

The communicator pointed out that those alliances help the alternative media to show not only the reality of Latin America, but of the whole world, disseminating, with a Chilean voice, what happens here to the outside world.

Gutierrez told Prensa Latina, that such idea summarizes what is discussed in the Second Operation Truth, as are the needs today not only of the veracity and speed of information, but also of the position we take to it.

By the time he was asked about Cronica Digital’s view of Israeli attack over the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip, he acknowledged the support provided by Prensa Latina, particularly with the work of its correspondents in the area.

There is another issue that is not minor, he added, and that is our sensitivity in view of the war violence.

According to Gutierrez, when a conflict breaks out, the first to suffer is the truth, and in this regard, what Prensa Latina and other media outlets have done, supporting each other, is to rescue that truth.
