The educational institution, which owes its name to the director of the Real Sociedad Económica Amigos del País Alejandro Ramírez, opened its doors to the world on January 11, 1818, thus becoming the oldest center of its kind in Spanish America and the second oldest school in the country.
José Martí was enrolled there for a few months and important Cuban cultural figures such as Domingo Ravenet, Juan José Sicre and Rita Longa, as well as painters and engravers Víctor Manuel, Eduardo Abela, Servando Cabrera, Juan Moreira, Flora Fong and Roberto Fabelo studied there.
The San Alejandro Academy has been directed by prestigious national and foreign artists, among them Joseph Leclere, Federico Mialhe, Miguel Melero, Leopoldo Romañach and Armando Menocal, among other figures who have exalted the name of the institution.