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Cubans recall young men’s murder in Tarará nautical base 32 years ago

Havana, Jan 9 (Prensa Latina) Cubans recall on Tuesday the murder, 32 years ago, of four young men who defended the nation's coasts in an event known as the Tarará's crime.

On January 9, 1992, a group of individuals attacked this nautical base east of Havana to kidnap a boat and flee to the United States.

The aggression resulted in the murder of combatants Orosmán Dueñas, 20 years old, Rafael Guevara, 30, and Yuri Gómez, 19, while Rolando Pérez Quintosa, 23, was seriously wounded.

Gómez and Pérez Quintosa were National Revolutionary Police agents who had come to the aid of the Naval Base guards, who had been wounded and gagged by the attackers.

The seven attackers aimed to kidnap one of the boats to reach the United States and take advantage of the benefits provided by the Cuban Adjustment Act, but the escape was thwarted.

The survivor’s testimony and the coordinated action by the police and the population led to the identification and capture of the perpetrators, who were brought to Cuban court.

Pérez Quintosa, 23, fought for his life for 37 days after he was shot four times in the abdomen. Despite medical efforts, he died on February 16, 1992.

The crime shocked the country, which recalls the murder of the four young men as one of the most atrocious events committed in Cuba, encouraged by the hostile policy of the United States against the Cuban Revolution.
