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Decree DNU of President of Argentina comes into force

Buenos Aires, Dec 29 (Prensa Latina) The Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70/2023 of the President of Argentina Javier Milei will come into force as of December 29th despite thirty appeals presented by social organizations, unions, lawyers and citizens.

The DNU was published in the Official Gazette on the 21st of this month. It reforms or repeals over 300 regulations, including the privatization of state companies, the deregulation of the economy and labor reform, among other actions rejected by thousands of people who arrived to Congress and took to the streets to express their disagreement.

Politicians, deputies and various groups pointed out that these are unconstitutional measures, against the rule of law and the division of powers.

The representatives of Unión por la Patria in the lower house of Congress demanded last Thursday the urgent formation of a Bicameral Commission to analyze the decree, as established by the constitution and the resolutions of Congress.

In accordance with law 26 122, this type of document must be submitted to Congress for consideration within 10 days after its publication; the commission must comprise eight senators and eight deputies, appointed by their respective presidents (Victoria Villarruel and Martín Menem) at the proposal of the parliamentary blocs and respecting the proportion of political forces.

The DNU will be in force as long as it is has not been rejected by the absolute majority of both chambers. If one of them approves it or Congress does not express itself, it will remain.

During the last few days, organizations such as the General Confederation of Labor and the Central Workers of Argentina presented appeals against the DNU and held demonstrations to express their rejection to the bill.
