Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Argentine province rules out applying anti-protest protocol

Buenos Aires, Dec 19 (Prensa Latina) The Minister of Government of the province of Buenos Aires, Carlos Bianco, assured that the local authorities will not apply an anti-protest protocol approved by the Argentinean Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich.

We do not agree with those provisions because, among other things, they criminalize demonstrations, he said in declarations to Radio La Red. There must be certain order, but these measures exceed the limit established in these years of democracy, he added.

He also rejected the decision of Javier Milei’s government to withdraw social plans to those who participate in the demonstrations, which he described as persecution.

Last week, Bullrich informed that the Gendarmerie, the Naval Prefecture, the Airport Security Police and the Federal Police, as well as the penitentiary system, will intervene before pickets and partial or total blockades of public places.

If they take to the streets there will be consequences. Action will be taken until the space is completely free and the minimum necessary and sufficient force will be used. It will be graduated in proportion to the resistance, he indicated.

He also specified that “the authors, accomplices and instigators of this type of crime” will be identified, as well as the vehicles used, which will be seized if they do not comply with the traffic regulations and if their drivers do not have the required documents.

Those carrying children will be sanctioned and the competent authorities will be notified. For all costs of security operations, invoices will be sent to the responsible organizations and individuals. The State will not pay for the use of forces, he added.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, announced the day before that all those who promote, instigate, organize or participate in the protests will lose contact with this State portfolio.

Likewise, she reiterated they will not be able to access the plans they have.
