The Chamber of Deputies, influenced by a majority vote of 42 members of the governing Colorado Party (PT), took advantage of the impact after approving the Pensions and Retirements Superintendence Law in the same special session on Wednesday, whose approval by the Senate caused massive demonstrations.
According to ABC Color, “indignant (of imposing such a legislation on social security by a majority of votes) and amid protests caused by their decision,” the legislators supported the “rewarded return” bill, which favors those accused after replacing resources illegally diverted or stolen.
The national newspaper stated that the new and controversial bill was approved “in record time” under the influence of lawmakers who were supporters of former President Horacio Cartes, leader of the PT).
A group of 41 of 42 pro-government legislators and their satellites, according to ABC Color, approved the bill presented by lawmaker Yamil Esgaib, which will facilitate corrupt politicians to have their sentences reduced.