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Venezuela’s PSUV praises the people for referendum

Caracas, Dec 4 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela’s United Socialist Party (PSUV) praised on Monday the people after stating that Sunday was an extraordinary day, when the Consultative Referendum for the defense of the Guayana Esequiba was held.

On the traditional Monday press conference, the First Vice-President of the PSUV Diosdado Cabello assured that over 10.4 million people went out to vote and did so “with joy, enthusiasm and a lot of conscience.”

The authority indicated that the PSUV joined this “beautiful day” to which all Venezuelans were summoned and asserted that the patriotic people expressed themselves clearly, “without any doubt” and without anything that could jeopardize their “unobjectionable decision.”

Cabello further deemed it had been a pleasure to have accompanied that “beautiful day” that will remain in history and that they will be able to tell their children and grandchildren that “we lived it and to some extent we were protagonists in the streets.”

The leader questioned the reaction of opposition sectors to the results offered by the National Electoral Council (CNE), which they questioned; thus, he pointed out that this “reactionary opposition is a hoarder, even of stupidity.”
