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Israel resumes aggression due to US decision, Lebanese official says

Beirut, Dec 1 (Prensa Latina) The Israeli forces have resumed their aggression in the Gaza Strip by US decision, Ali Damush, Vice Chairman of the Executive Council of Hezbollah, denounced in this capital on Friday.

For the Hezbollah leader, “This war from the beginning has been a US war against the Palestinian people, and all US positions and events point to this reality.”

Moreover, the Hezbollah representative stressed that Washington is not only a partner; it is the decision-maker in the war, and Israel is the tool that carries out the dictates of the United States.

Damush said that the resistance in Gaza and the entire region will not allow Tel Aviv or the White House administration to achieve its goals in this war.

All must take ethical and humanitarian responsibility for the crimes against the civilians in Gaza, he assured.

Israel launched a series of raids in the north and south of the Gaza Strip since early Friday, following the end of the humanitarian truce.
