Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Argentine workers begin actions against Milei’s measures

Buenos Aires, Nov 29 (Prensa Latina) The Association of State Workers of Argentina (ATE) will initiate a series of actions aimed at denouncing the intentions of president-elect Javier Milei to make adjustments to public spending, close ministries, and privatize companies.

According to ATE, thousands of employees will be at risk after Milei takes office on December 10th, making it essential to start the fight.

“We confirmed, based on precise data provided by those participating in the transition meetings in the Executive Branch, that the information required by the incoming management is aimed at carrying out massive layoffs,” says a statement from the organization, which stated that, for this reason, the National Agri-Food Health and Quality Service (SENASA) will begin a three-day strike this day since the employment of all personnel hired in 2023 is at risk.

It also points out that plenary sessions and assemblies will be held throughout the country to take larger measures that will allow all jobs to be preserved.

“We have the right to act in legitimate defense if we feel we are in danger. The economists who are coming to the Government are not interested in anything, only in lowering expenses even at the risk that the operations of the organizations will be reduced to a minimum” ” General Secretary of ATE Rodolfo Aguiar stated. “It is clear that the workers will become the adjustment variable. We have to prepare to face a period in which they will try to take away all of our rights,” he added.

The statement indicates that the strike at SENASA could stop exports since controls at ports, international airports, border crossings, and customs will be paralyzed. Health control barriers will also be lifted in Patagonia and other regions of the country.
