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People in Gaza are in extreme health needs – WHO

United Nations, Nov 28 (Prensa Latina) People in every corner of Gaza are in extreme health needs, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Tuesday.

People are starving and lacking clean water; if someone is sick, if a child has diarrhea, if someone has a respiratory infection, they won’t get any assistance, WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris said.

The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) described as devastating the context in Gaza Strip after the entry of more personnel amid the pause agreed on November 24.

UNICEF´s spokesperson James Elder termed the Nasser Medical Complex, located in southern Gaza, as a war zone.

“Everywhere you look at there is a child in incredible need,” Elder told Al Jazeera, praising the “incredible, courageous and tireless health workers who work around the clock.” He added that doctors have to make decisions they should not have to reach though.

Meanwhile, the Palestine Refugee Agency (UNRWA) continued delivering fuel to Gaza’s main water plant, which, in turn, distributed it to water and sanitation facilities in the south.

The Office of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) noted that deliveries were extended to the southern Strip, where most of the 1.7 million displaced are sheltering.

“Key service providers, including hospitals, water and sanitation facilities and shelters, have continued to receive fuel on a daily basis to operate generators,” it revealed.
