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President of Venezuela: arrival of Javier Milei to power is a threat

Caracas, Nov 21 (Prensa Latina) The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, considered a threat to Latin America the arrival to power of far-right candidate Javier Milei, who defeated Sergio Massa in the second round of the elections in Argentina.

“The neo-Nazi extreme right won in Argentina, “coming with a project” for that country, but intending to lead a colonial project for the entire Latin American and Caribbean region,” the president warned in his radio and television program with Maduro+.

“From Venezuela we will always tell the truth,” said the head of state, who expressed his respect to “the vote of the Argentine people who wanted to give themselves that government, but we tell them that we are not going to remain silent because the arrival of a right-wing extremist is a big menace.

Maduro denounced that Milei’s rise to power has the same intentions as the ultra-neoliberal project of the 70s, and recalled the coups d’état carried out by the dictatorships of (Augusto) Pinochet, in Chile, and (Jorge Rafael) Videla, in Argentina.

He stressed that both imposed a State model in which they denied all social rights and implemented a repressive, paramilitary and a parapolicing system.

The President stressed that Venezuela remains a “trench of truth, justice, progressive changes and the rights of the people”, in the face of the arrival of “a right-wing extremist”, with an absolutely colonial project and kneeling to the American empire.

The Venezuelan dignitary called for reflection on the resurgence of “focus of the extreme right that seek to impose extremist models” in Latin America.
