The volume was launched on the 113th anniversary of Tolstoy’s death. His notable works include the novels “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina.”
The digital unpublished text studies and reflects on the correspondence that the famous writer received from Cuba between the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, according to a press release from Cubaliteraria.
Some 16,000 letters, including postcards and notes sent and received by the author thanks to the fruitful epistolary relationship he maintained with the whole world, remain at the Leo Tolstoy State Museum in Moscow.
The volume reveals some texts, dated from Cuba, which belong to the 245-letter collection written in Spanish and preserved in the Moscow-based institution.
Writer Blas Nabel Pérez has written several studies about Russian painter Vasily Vereschaguin, published among others in “Bibliografía del pintor ruso Vasily Vereschaguin en Cuba 1889-1992” (Bibliography of the Russian painter Vasily Vereschaguin in Cuba 1889-1992), and “Asir la luz: José Martí y Vasily Vereschaguin” (Grab the Light: Jose Marti and Vasily Vereschaguin), the press release noted.