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MEP celebrates verdict in Brussels againt US blockade against Cuba

Brussels, Nov 17 (Prensa Latina) Portuguese MEP Sandra Pereira on Friday highlighted the decision of an international court that met in the European Parliament to consider the United States blockade against Cuba a violation of international law that must end.

It is a ruling that we can use in different areas to continue the battle against Washington’s policy, the member of the Left Group, one of those from the European Parliament that have supported the initiative by political and social organizations and jurists from Europe and the United States to put the US blockade on trial, told Prensa Latina.

The court, chaired by the experienced German jurist Norman Peach, demanded that the United States lift the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed for over 60 years, after determining, on the basis of denunciations and evidence produced here, the illegality, unjustifiable nature and human damage that this measure has caused.

Regarding the verdict and the fact that it is not binding, the Portuguese Communist Party member insisted that it is a tool for future actions and a way to give voice to the impact of that unilateral policy on the daily lives of Cubans.

It gave a voice not only to those who suffer the direct consequences, but also to those of us in Europe who are harmed by its extraterritoriality and by not being able to benefit from Cuba’s achievements, she said.

Several witnesses who testified in the trial, which ended on Friday, denounced the obstacles to their commercial or solidarity work, including donations after natural disasters and accidents in Cuba, as banks refuse to make transfers for fear of US sanctions.

According to Pereira, the international court demonstrated that the European Union (EU) has mechanisms to defend itself against the extraterritorial component of the blockade against Cuba.

It is not enough to vote in the United Nations in favor of the resolutions against the blockade, the EU must go further, it cannot act with hypocrisy, she noted.

The MEP considered that relations of friendship and cooperation should prevail among countries, but the blockade that affects Cuba attacks such ties.

Meanwhile, we will continue to accompany Cuba, whose resistance we highlight, in its struggle, she concluded.
