The movie won the Best Acting award in the Fiction Film category in the 14th edition of the Latino and Iberian Film Festival at Yale (LIFFY) 2023.
The jury decided to grant it the prize because “this compilation of short stories is a masterful film about life in Cuba during the Covid-19 pandemic.”
“Cuentos de un día más” competed in the 22nd edition of the Havana Film Festival in New York last year, where it won the Havana Star Award for Best Picture.
The full-length figure film consists of six independent short-length films about love in the Covid-19 era.
Its directors were Rosa María Rodríguez (“La trenza”), Alan González (“La muchacha de los pájaros”), Carolina Fernández Vega-Charadán (“Mercuria”), Yoel Infante (“Él y ella”), Katherine T. Gavilány and Sheyla Pool (“Los días”), and Eduardo Eimil (“Gallo”), under the direction of Pérez.
The extensive LIFFY award list also included an Honorable Mention for Cuba for the documentary “Virgilio desde el gabinete azul” (Virgil From The Blue Cabinet, 2021), directed by Raydel Araoz. Other audiovisual works such as medium-length fiction films “La escritura y el desastre” (Writing and Disaster, 2008) and “La estación de las flautas” (The Flutes’ Station, 2010) stand out.