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Russian and Venezuelan foreign ministers criticize policy in Gaza

Moscow, Nov 16 (Prensa Latina) The foreign ministers of Russia, Sergei Lavrov, and Venezuela, Yván Gil, on Thursday criticized the extermination policy that Israel is enforcing against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip.

“The hostilities promoted by Israel in the Gaza Strip must cease, and those responsible for the war crimes committed against the Palestinian people must be brought to justice,” the Venezuelan foreign minister stressed during an official visit to Moscow.

At a press conference after the meeting with his Russian counterpart, Gil emphasized that his government “has a firm position condemning the genocide” of the Palestinian population.

He described Israel’s actions as “an intolerable policy of extermination,” which must be stopped immediately.

The head of Venezuelan diplomacy stated that they have to stop the daily attacks on hospitals, educational centers and markets.

“What the Israeli government is seeking is to expel the Gaza and Palestinian populations from their territories to which they belong, which are protected by international law,” he pointed out.

In this regard, he demanded that those responsible for the recent war crimes that are occurring in that area of the Middle East be tried by international courts.

Gil was categorical when he stressed that the population of Gaza and the Palestinians must exercise their right to independence and self-determination to define their territory as protected by international law.

“The Palestine-Israel conflict, as a whole, can be resolved only through the application of the two-State solution, which must be complied with unconditionally,” he noted.

Lavrov, in turn, emphasized that Russia strongly condemns terrorism in all its forms.

“We are categorically against countries that fight terrorism with methods that flagrantly violate international humanitarian law, with indiscriminate shelling of residential areas, hospitals, kindergartens and other public buildings. As a result, thousands of innocent citizens, including children, are losing their lives,” he argued.

He also criticized what happened at the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday, when, in his opinion, only a humanitarian pause was timidly requested and did not support the formulation of the General Assembly, which had called for a humanitarian truce as a step towards a ceasefire.

We insist on an immediate end to the bloodshed and a solution to the humanitarian problems that literally “cry out” in the Gaza Strip and also in the West Bank, the Russian foreign minister ratified.
