Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Cuban diplomat in Nicaragua meets delegate to an event in Cuba

Managua, Nov 14 (Prensa Latina) Orlando Garcia, Chargé d'Affaires of the Cuban Embassy in Nicaragua, reportedly met with Rafael Ruiz, president of the Association of Cuban Residents in this country, who will attend the 4th Conference "Nation and Emigration."

Vice Consul Ildemar Cordero participated in the meeting, which took place at the Cuban diplomatic headquarters in Managua on Monday and where the delegate was informed about the work the consulate is currently developing in this nation, among other issues of interest.

Ruiz talked about the activities planned for the meeting that will be hosted in Cuba on November 18-19 and in which more than 400 Cuban delegates living abroad are expected.

He added that, as part of the Latin American group, he will address, as a fundamental basis, the struggle against the economic, commercial, and financial blockade that the United States has imposed on Cuba for more than six decades. Upon returning to Nicaragua, he committed himself to holding meetings with the Association at a national level to communicate to each department the main issues addressed at the Conference.

According to the call for the meeting, participants will analyze Cuba’s relations with its compatriots abroad and the prospects for that relationship.
