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DPRK accuses UN Command of plotting a second Korean War

Pyongyang, Nov 13 (Prensa Latina) The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) accused the United Nations Command on Monday of plotting a second Korean war and demanded its dissolution to prevent it and ensure peace and security in the region.

A statement from the Institute for Disarmament and Peace at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs forcefully criticized the unit’s work that, it said, “has nothing to do with the United Nations” and is “a US confrontation instrument.”

Referring to a meeting to be held in South Korea on Tuesday, it stated that the UN Command is once again revealing its aggressive nature and forging a confrontational declaration as a preamble to a possible second Korean War.

The Institute recalled that the UN General Assembly approved resolutions in 1975 calling for disbanding the command and withdrawing US troops from the region.

It also quoted two former UN secretary-generals, Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Kofi Annan, who stressed that it was not under UN control but under Washington’s.
