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Israel and its army’s actions qualify as war crimes

San Salvador, Nov 13 (Prensa Latina) The actions carried out today by Israel against the Palestinian population of Gaza and the West Bank can only be qualified as war crimes, said Mexican historian Mauricio A. Dardon Velazquez.

In an opinion article “Let’s talk about war crimes (I), Israel against Palestinians in Gaza,” published in El Salvador newspaper, Dardon describes how the international community, faced with the barbaric acts of World War II, worked to regulate wars.

During World War II, the Nazis in collusion with French, Polish, Romanian, Czech, Ukrainian and other fascists committed all kinds of barbaric acts and war crimes against the civilian populations of the countries and territories they occupied with the expansion of the Third Reich, said the historian.

One of the most emblematic and condemnable cases was the massacre of the population of Lidice, in the Czech Republic, where 350 men, inhabitants of that town, were massacred as reprisal and punishment, and all women, children and elderly people were deported to a concentration camp where they were murdered, he added.

“Any resemblance to the current situation in the Gaza Strip is mere coincidence,” he stressed.

All of the above leads us unfailingly to conclude, he asserted, that for 56 years Israel was a stubborn violator of the provisions of this international instrument or, in other words, he stressed, throughout those years the successive rulers and the army of that country are true war criminals.
