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Lebanese general: Israel fights with the strength of the West

Beirut, Nov 13 (Prensa Latina) Lebanon's Major General Abbas Ibrahim affirmed that Israel is experiencing its worst days and is fighting with the strength of the West, in the midst of its aggression against the Gaza Strip.

Ibrahim is a former director of General Security and has over 40 years of service in the Army and Security, and is a mediator in regional affairs.

The general indicated in an interview with the Ad-Diyar newspaper that the idea of deterrence and the invincible Israeli army fell after October 7th, with the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation of the Palestinian resistance.

He specified that after the war there will be responsibilities to be determined, trials and investigations that will affect the Israeli prime minister. “From now on I hold Benjamin Netanyahu responsible,” he said. “Netanyahu is trying to protect himself with (foreign) support for Israel and the presence of the fleets, and he has two options: if the war ends, he will face the commission of inquiry, or eliminate the resistance movements and show himself as a hero, thus becoming a prisoner of his own personal project,” he said.

Ibrahim considered that Israel is not a State, it is a position and an advanced entity of the West playing a role and defending its interests.

The general supported the return of ancient Palestine, with Jews, Muslims and Christians living in the same land in harmony and peace, without any problems.

He also expressed his rejection of the US position of not forcing Israel to accept a ceasefire and emphasized that Israel is not in a victory position, while Hamas is firm and has the advantage in Gaza, as well as conditions to reach this truce. “Our experiences show that after the 2006 war, Hizbullah became stronger at all levels. I hope the result in Gaza will be the same as what happened in Lebanon.”

For Ibrahim, neither the United States nor Israel will be able to govern in the Strip, since it is the destiny of the Palestinians.
