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UN: Over 20 million people face severe hunger in Sudan

United Nations, Nov 11 (Prensa Latina) More than 20 million people are currently facing severe hunger and depend on humanitarian assistance to survive in Sudan, according to estimates by the UN World Food Program (WFP).

Latest analysis by the Integrated Phase Classification -protocols used for food insecurity- estimated that 20.3 million people (equivalent to 42% of total population) fell into crisis levels of hunger.

According to this data, 6.3 million people, the highest number of Sudanese ever reported, are just one step away from famine.

In response, the Program plans to aid some 6.5 million people with emergency food and nutrition assistance, but access restrictions limit these plans.

So far, the UN agency has provided essential food to more than three million people since the beginning of the conflict.

However, in the agency’s view, this could reach many more with the unrestricted access they demand.

Without assistance, there is a significant risk that the population will fall into deeper levels of hunger and the risk of famine looms, WFP said in a press release.

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), on the other hand, reported that over 8,000 people fled Sudan to neighboring Chad in the last week alone.

The figure, UNHCR warned, is probably an underestimate due to problems in registering new arrivals.
