Saturday, September 07, 2024
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President of Honduras highlights the people’s support

Tegucigalpa, Nov 10 (Prensa Latina) President of Honduras Xiomara Castro highlighted the support of the people despite the discredit campaign that seeks to destabilize her Government.

The president pointed out in recent statements made to the press that politicians must be coherent.

Castro stated that opposition politicians are trying to achieve positions for personal benefits, and when such interests exist, the people take sides.

“Today those who said that what was previously good say that it is bad,” the president said, and mentioned as an example the Salvador Party of Honduras, a political organization that had taken up the fight against corruption and now supports crooks.

Moreover, she referred to the current situation in several areas caused by the heavy downpours in the country, and commented that the issue is not to mitigate, but to solve.

“12 years ago, during the government of President Manuel Zelaya, an entire strategy was made for the construction of the Jicatuyo, Los Llanitos, and El Tablón dams; all of that was stopped,” she reminded and stated that her Executive is working jointly with the mayors and social sectors to respond to the Honduran people who have been affected by the rains.

According to official sources, the rainfall in Honduras affected over 44 thousand people in more than 40 municipalities in 13 of the 18 Honduran departments. More than 250 homes and 24 bridges were damaged by the downpours, among other aftermaths.
