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Cuban journalists bet on a more effective press model

Havana, Nov 3 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's new press model will allow greater administrative, financial and commercial autonomy of public media, and seeks to encourage quality with the purpose of increasing credibility among the population, professionals from the sector said here on Friday.

According to the director of the José Martí International Institute of Journalism, Ariel Terrero, the experiment of new forms of management began this year in various media and implies a reordering of conceptions from the point of view of administration and relations with other institutions, organizations and government structures.

At the debates of the 11th Congress of the Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC), Terrero stated that the trial is committed to responsible self-regulation and the diversification of financing sources, consistent with the idea that the economic function is not at odds with the symbolic function.

Academic and journalist Rosa Mirian Elizalde, in turn, pointed out that common sense is not enough to manage public media, and the application of science and innovation is necessary in the face of the avalanche of misinformation on the Internet, which she described as colonialism 2.0.

According to the expert, Cuba needs new structures to deal with the dizzying changes in the way information is disseminated through digital platforms controlled by hegemonic centers.

She pointed out that in addition to suffering a strict blockade from the United States, Cuba, due to its rebellious stance, is a testing ground for that power’s strategies to exert its influence, with the complicity of Internet platforms.

The professionals agreed that self-censorship does not make sense in a scenario of digital convergence, and threatens the credibility of revolutionary media, and highlighted the fundamental role of well-founded criticism for the development and prestige of the socialist project promoted by the country, in the heat of the battle against the media offensive by the international right wing.

They also noted the importance of moving to a multimedia environment to make the information and training work of Cuban media more effective.

Present at the debates on the closing day of the 11th UPEC Congress is Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel.
