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Cuban Mission in Colombia describes vote at UNGA as historical

Bogota, Nov 2 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban State Mission in Colombia described as "historical" the rejection at the UN of the economic, commercial and financial U.S. blockade against Cuba.

At the Embassy in Bogota, diplomats and friends of Cuba followed live the vote on the United Nations General Assembly Resolution, which establishes the “Need to put an end to the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba.”

The resolution recognizes the blockade as the core element of the US policy towards Cuba for over six decades.

The damages caused by this policy between March 1, 2022 and February 28, 2023 amount to USD$4.8 billion.

This figure reflects the tightening of Cuba’s exports, mainly in the tourism sector; the ruthless persecution of the country’s banking and financial operations; the costs of geographic relocation of trade; the impact on production and services to the population; as well as the obstacles to access to cutting-edge technologies.

The briefing presented at UNGA recognizes the continuation of this policy against Cuba and its inclusion in the States Sponsoring Terrorism (SST) list as actions incompatible with an international system based on law.

According to the report, the situation in Cuba only confirms the need to put an end to unilateral coercive measures, which undermine sovereign rights, the realization of human rights and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
