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Uruguayan senator: UN vote is an expression of solidarity with Cuba

Montevideo, Nov 2 (Prensa Latina) The vote at the UN of a resolution demanding the end of the US blockade against Cuba is an international expression of solidarity with the people of the island.

This was the opinion of Senator Daniel Caggiani, of the opposition Frente Amplio, in an interview with Prensa Latina, minutes after the UN General Assembly voted with 187 votes in favor of an initiative presented by Cuba, which only had the United States and Israel as opponents.

I believe that it is extremely important that in the most democratic environment the United Nations still has today, its General Assembly, where there is no possibility of veto, the great majority of the nations of the world raise their voices and clearly express their condemnation of the US blockade, he said.

It is a clear solidarity with the Cuban people who is suffering the punitive measures of that policy of encirclement, he stressed.

Caggiani pointed out that the resistance of the Cuban people has left its mark in other nations of the world.

The congressman described the blockade applied against the Caribbean island as inhumane and unjustified.
