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Lula signed plan against organized crime in Rio and Sao Paulo

Brasilia, Nov 1 (Prensa Latina) Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, today signed a plan to support the fight against organized crime in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

Among the actions, an operation of the so-called Guarantee of Law and Order (GLO) aimed at ports and airports stands out. Such a measure will be valid until May 2024.

“That decree establishes the creation of an integrated operation to combat organized crime, and that is why I am making that GLO decree specifically for the port of Rio de Janeiro, port of Santos, port of Itaguaí, Galeão airport and Guarulhos airport” said Lula at the Planalto Palace, headquarters of the Executive Branch in Brasilia.

He announced there will be an integrated monitoring committee of security actions, coordinated by the Ministers of Justice, Flávio Dino, and of Defense, José Múcio.

The two portfolios will present a plan to modernize the actions of the Federal Police (PF), Federal Highway Police, Penal Police, the Army, Aeronautics and the Navy “with the aim of improving performance in ports, airports and borders.”

The president specified that “the Federal Police will expand intelligence actions and operations to arrest and confiscate assets belonging to gangs and militias, especially in Rio de Janeiro.”

In addition to Dino and Múcio, the ministers of the Civil House, Rui Costa, and the commanders General Tomás Paiva (Army), Admiral Marcos Olsen (Navy) and Lieutenant General Marcelo Damasceno (Aeronautics) participated in the event.

The general director of the PF, Andrei Rodrigues, was also a member of the group.

On Monday, after meeting with Rio authorities, Dino announced that the Government must formalize the creation of a working group, with the help of the PF and the Rio Civil Police, among other bodies, to extinguish the militia and trafficking of drugs.

On another front, the Armed Forces will reinforce ports, airports and borders to try to operate a “logistical asphyxiation” of criminal organizations.

For weeks, the Government has been discussing actions to help states facing crises in the security area. The situation in Rio, for example, worsened.

In reaction to the death of the militiaman Matheus da Silva Rezende, known as Faustão, criminals set fire to 35 buses and a train on October 23 in the Western Zone of the state of Rio de Janeiro.

Given the events, the governor of Rio, Cláudio Castro, requested federal support in the fight against militias and organized crime in the territorial division.
