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Nicaraguan network reaffirms support for Cuba, predicts victory at UN

Managua, Nov 1 (Prensa Latina) Nicaragua's Augusto César Sandino Network of Solidarity with the Peoples repeated its support for Cuba and predicted a new victory against the United States' blockade, which is currently the main obstacle to the Caribbean island's development.

In a press release to which Prensa Latina has access, the Network, consisting of more than 15 solidarity organizations, affirmed that the US Government knows that it will be defeated again by an overwhelming majority of nations that will vote at the United Nations General Assembly.

“Its illegal and criminal stance to crush the Cuban people will be exposed and, defeated by Havana’s recent diplomatic achievements in several international forums, it aims its outdated lies and prepares its smear campaigns,” the communiqué said.

The document highlighted the negative effects of the unilateral measures on the economy, society, daily life, and dreams of progress of more than 11 million Cubans.

It pointed out that the policy of economic, commercial, and financial blockade has not stopped a single day for six decades, and more than 80 percent of the current Cuban population has only known Cuba with a blockade.

For the 31st time, the UN member countries will debate on the effects of the blockade imposed on Cuba.

Between March 1, 2022, and February 28, 2023, the damage caused by this policy amounted to 4.8 billion dollars.

The draft resolution entitled “Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial, and Financial Blockade Imposed by the United States of America against Cuba” will be voted on Thursday by the member States of the United Nations.
