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Over 8,100 Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks

Ramallah, Oct 29 (Prensa Latina) More than 8,100 Palestinians have died in the last 23 days as a result of the Israeli bombings over the Gaza Strip and also of the surge in violence in the West Bank, the Ministry of Health reported Sunday.

In its latest report on the situation in the occupied territories, the Palestinian Health Ministry stated that as many as 8,500 people died and 20,000 were injured.

114 others were killed by Israeli forces and settlers in the West Bank and 2,000 more were injured.

the Ministry of Health reported that 73% of deaths were minors, the elderly and women.

During that period, 34% of hospitals and 65% of primary health care centers stopped operating in the territory.

There were also 69 attacks on health facilities, 12 of which were taken out of service, including the International Ophthalmology, Dar Al-Salam, Al-Yemen Al-Saeed, Psychiatric, and Al-Durra Children’s hospitals, it said.

The ministry revealed that 116 health workers were killed and over 100 were injured, while 50 ambulances were damaged.

It also warned of acute shortages of medicines, equipment and professionals in the face of the flood of injured and sick people.

The Ministry pointed out that 1.4 million people fled because of the Israeli bombings.

Some 700,000 took refuge at homes of relatives or friends, and 121,000 sought protection in hospitals, churches and other public buildings.
