Monday, September 16, 2024
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Cuba´s UNECA strongly condemns Israel’s crimes in Palestine

Havana, Oct 23 (Prensa Latina) Workers of the Union of Caribbean Construction Companies (UNECA) on Monday expressed their strong rejection of Israel's crimes in Palestine.

UNECA workers called on the international community and the UN Security Council (UNSC) to immediately take steps to put an end to the Israeli genocide against the Gazan population.

According to the publication, UNECA workers mourned the constant assassination of innocent people in the last 15 days, mostly children and women in the Gaza Strip and West Bank territories.

The Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) in Pinar del Río province, on the other hand, organized another act of protest against Israel´s criminal acts.

Young people from different nationalities studying at the university of Pinar del Río, alongside residents of a Popular Council (electoral demarcation) participated in the call on behalf of the Cuban civil society.

In this context, the Palestinian student Mustafa Almasrhi, thanked the solidarity with his people expressed in each call and regretted the death of his compatriots in the Israeli bombings.
