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Southern Lebanon remains alert after Israeli bombings (+Photo)

Beirut, Oct 23 (Prensa Latina) The southern border of Lebanon remains on alert after the persistent Israeli bombing and the response from the Islamic Resistance (Hezbollah).

According to the National News Agency, Israeli forces launched flares during the night over the towns of the western sector, from Ras al-Naqoura to the city of Ramieh, and the lands next to the Blue Line, while Israeli recognition aircraft overflew the area.

The Lebanese Red Cross, in coordination with the United Nations Interim Force (UNIFIL) and the army, removed three bodies from the Halta heights in the south of the country after midnight.

The UNIFIL mission registered its military outposts and a series of observation points, in addition to moving forces from adjacent villages to safer areas.

Israeli forces bombarded the Maroun Plain and the outskirts of Aitaroun, and artillery shelled the Al-Marj area in the vicinity of the town of Hula.

In response to these actions, Hezbollah confirmed a direct attack on the Israeli site of Ruwaisat Al-Alam in the occupied farms of Shebaa and the hills of Kfar Shouba.

Lebanese resistance fighters launched anti-tank guided missiles against Israeli positions in Al-Abad, Misgav Am, Bayad Blida and Al-Malikiyah.

Since the beginning of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7th, Hezbollah has continued its operations against Israeli positions on the border in response to the aggression against the Gaza Strip and repeated attacks on southern Lebanon.
