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Agreements with opposition valued as historic day for Venezuela

Bridgetown, Oct 17 (Prensa Latina) The head of the official Venezuelan delegation to the talks with the Unitary Platform (PU), Jorge Rodríguez, described the two partial agreements signed today with this sector of the Venezuelan opposition as a historic day.

In statements to the press after the signing of the documents, together with the representative of the PU, Gerardo Blyke, the president of the National Assembly estimated that this constitutes a first step on the path and the desire of all fellow citizens that the sanctions and attacks be lifted.

He stressed that “all sanctions against the people of Venezuela must be lifted” and stressed that they took an important first step through a partial agreement within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in Mexico in August, 2021.

This is the first step of a much broader agreement that is in full evolution, its construction and execution, he stated, and announced that in the coming days we will be able to see some of the results of the pact signed this Tuesday with one of the sectors of the Venezuelan opposition.

When referring to the agreement on political and electoral guarantees for all, Rodríguez emphasized they are supported by the “very solid electoral system” of Venezuela, endorsed in national laws, in the Constitution and in the Law of Electoral Processes.

He commented that those who in the past called for violence, to request sanctions, to activities outside the Magna Carta, “today are signing a partial agreement in which we are all committed” to peace, building a climate of political tolerance and respecting the Electoral Power.

The head of parliament insisted that “we are all committed to respecting the electoral results” and to settle political and social issues through electoral and political means, established by the Constitution as legitimate and legal.

Regarding the second partial agreement referring to the protection of vital rights for all, the legislator highlighted that it has transcendental importance because it is associated with the defense of the heritage that belongs to all the people of Venezuela and all of our territory.

This agreement ratifies the historical, sovereign and inalienable rights of Venezuela over Guayana Esequiba and defends the full validity of the 1966 Geneva Agreement, as a legal instrument that commits the parties to seek a practical arrangement of mutual benefit.

Blyke called on all Venezuelans to contribute to the materialization of what was agreed this Tuesday and pointed out that the negotiation process is not paralyzed, but continues within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding to develop the entire agreed agenda.
