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Syria calls Israeli attack on Palestinian hospital as brutal

Damascus, Oct 17 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian government on Tuesday described the Israeli attack on the Al-Ahli Baptist hospital in the Gaza Strip as one of the most atrocious and bloody massacres against humanity in this modern era.

The Syrian Arab Republic considers this crime against hundreds of innocents as a brutal and barbaric act that reflects the level of hatred of the Zionist entity, whose crimes have exceeded the maximum levels of aggression and murder, the Syrian Presidency posted on Telegram.

It added that “this atrocious action proves that Israel was founded on the basis of crimes” and blamed such massacre on Western countries, especially the United States, for being Tel Aviv’s accomplices in all extermination operations against the Palestinian people.

There are no exact figures on the number of victims of the Israeli aerial bombardment, but the Palestinian media indicated that over 500 people died, mostly women, children, sick, wounded and displaced.

According to the most recent data from the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the number of dead in the Gaza Strip as a result of Israeli bombardments increased to nearly 3,000, while 10,000 other were injured.
