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Grenada to host Caribbean Tourism Organization’s Conference

St. George, Oct 17 (Prensa Latina) Grenada will host the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO)'s Conference from April 22 to 24, 2024, to discuss sustainable tourism development.

“We are honored to host the CTO’s Sustainable Tourism Conference in 2024. Grenada’s commitment to sustainable and inclusive tourism perfectly aligns with the conference’s objectives,” Grenada’s Tourism Minister, Hon. Lennox Andrews, stated.

Quoted by the Now Grenada website, Andrews added, “We are dedicated to showcasing the transformative power of sustainable tourism and its role as a push for social and economic growth and environmental stewardship throughout the Caribbean.”

The official noted that he and his tourism colleagues will be honored to welcome regional and international industry stakeholders and other interested parties to participate in conference discussions and to experience the warm hospitality of the so-called “Spice Island.”

The Caribbean Conference on Sustainable Tourism Development was last held in St. Vincent and the Grenadines in 2019.

Commenting on this new edition, CTO Chairman Kenneth Bryan said that the meeting underscores the organization’s commitment to advancing sustainable tourism policies and practices in the Caribbean.

“Grenada’s natural beauty and dedication to sustainable tourism make it an ideal host, and we look forward to engaging in fruitful discussions with our colleagues in the industry,” Bryan stated.

The conference examines how the member States can design and implement better policies and programs by offering a regional forum for information exchange on the successes and failures of national, regional, and international initiatives.

Earth Day will be celebrated on April 22, 2024, the first day of the event, under the theme “Planet vs. Plastics.”
