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Palestinian ambassador describes Israel’s attacks as genocide

Bogota, Oct 14 (Prensa Latina) Palestinian Ambassador to Colombia Rauf Malki in an exclusive interview with Prensa Latina described as genocide Israel´s attacks on civilian population in north Gaza, the West Bank and all of occupied Jerusalem.

The bombardments are falling on Palestinian civilians, it is something that one cannot describe, it breaks anyone’s heart to see how the people are treated’, Malki expressed.

Israel itself acknowledged that it had dropped over 4,000 tons of explosives on the Palestinians and ordered Gaza inhabitants to leave their homes, neighborhoods, land and head south, he said.

In other words, they are asking for other catastrophes like the one in 1948 so that they can put an end to the struggle of the Palestinian people’, the diplomat stated.

Malki pointed out that the United Nations, international human rights entities, the World Health Organization, have clearly stated that what Israel is doing, by cutting off the supply of water, electricity, medicine, fuel and food, using white phosphorus, banned by the UN against a civilian population, are war crimes.

‘We are facing a humanitarian catastrophe and unfortunately the Western world is watching with complicit silence such a tragedy of the Palestinian people’, Malki warned.

Regarding the new escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Malki stressed that the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) is not the Palestinian people as a whole, this force is part of a large group of political parties that are fighting for the liberation of Palestine.

‘Let´s remember what happened in Iraq, with the ‘weapons of mass destruction’, this same thing is being repeated today, talking about the atrocities that were committed against civilians, women, children, and that their existence was never proven’, he warned.

In this regard, Israel is taking advantage of current situation and making a media propaganda to convince the world that ‘it has every right to annihilate our people’, he asserted. That´s why we call the attention of the media, of the world public opinion, so that the example of Iraq is not repeated in Gaza, nor the Nakba of the Palestinian people in 1948.
