Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Lebanese Resistance confirms attack on Israeli positions

Beirut, Oct 14 (Prensa Latina) Hezbollah on Saturday confirmed the launching of attacks on Israeli positions in the occupied Shebaa farms on the southern border.

In a statement, the Lebanese movement specified the direct scope of the operation to Al Radar, Ruwaisat Al-Alam, Al-Samaqa, Zibdin and Ramtha.

Hezbollah reportedly used guided missiles and mortar shells during the military action.

According to reports from southern Lebanon, the Islamic Resistance launched intense rocket attacks on Israeli-held positions in occupied Kfar Shuba after hearing sounds of gunfire clashes in the area.

Reports indicated that enemy forces shelled the areas surrounding the targeted locations, fearing infiltration operations.

In this context, Israeli media reported that the authorities asked all settlers in the occupied areas adjacent to the border fence with Lebanon to stay in safe areas.

The Israel-led army directly attacked media crews at the border on Friday, resulting in the killing of Reuters photographer Issam Abdullah, and serious injuries to five other media professionals while they were reporting.
