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Sri Lankan organization condemns US blockade against Cuba

Colombo, Oct 9 (Prensa Latina) The Socialist Youth Union of Sri Lanka (SYU) ratified its rejection of the United States blockade against Cuba and demanded that Cuba be removed from Washington's list of States Sponsoring Terrorism.

“The United States causes the suffering of the Cuban people, which we strongly condemn,” the organization denounced in a statement of solidarity with Cuba released on Sunday at an event in Colombo in tribute to Ernesto “Che” Guevara.

“Washington ruthlessly plunders the noble right of Cubans to life and to decide the economic and political path of their Homeland without external interventions,” according to the statement read by Anjana Amarasinghe, Secretary of International Relations of SYU.

The leader also said, in the presence of Ambassador Andrés Marcelo González and other guests, that the sum of losses caused to Cuba by the US blockade amounted to more than 144 billion dollars until 2020. He added that the United States spends millions of dollars in sponsoring anti-government and anti-communist groups in Cuba and also included Cuba on the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

The SYU affirmed that despite all this hostility, the Cuban people and their government, with the guidance of the Communist Party of Cuba, safeguard the Revolution and socialism without bowing to imperialism. “Cuba maintains its social achievements of free education and health, a health system based on prevention rather than treatment, scholarship programs for countries worldwide, and sending volunteer medical brigades to nations that require it,” the organization highlighted.

The Union of Socialist Youth also pointed out that Cuba has made great progress in science and technology, especially in biotechnology, and continues to develop its human resources.

The leader of the People’s Liberation Front party (JVP), Anura Dissanayaka, also highlighted the figure and virtues of “Che”, echoing the words of Fidel Castro about the commitment of young people in the struggle against capitalism and imperialism.
