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Che Guevara’s legacy and passage through Panama

Panama City, Oct 8 (Prensa Latina) Fifty-six years after his capture and murder in La Higuera, Bolivia, various Panamanian organizations and scholars today evoke the revolutionary legacy of Ernesto Che Guevara and his passage through the isthmus in 1953.

Messages on social networks underline ideas of the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, when he stated that “if I wanted to look for a word that was synonymous with austerity, integrity, spirit of sacrifice and ethics, that word would be Che”.

Other posters on the the decorum of the world, and that man is Che!”

For their part, other sources highlight the studies carried out in the isthmus on Che’s stay of less than a month, at the end of October 1953, during which his ideals impacted student leaders, lawyers, intellectuals and social fighters who defended the ideas of Latin American sovereignty with whom he met.

In the book Che Guevara in Panama, by Everardo Tómlison, who welcomed him into his home, they remember that the Argentine Cuban guerrilla met at the Coca Cola Café, in the capital’s Santa Ana neighborhood, with Isaías García, Rómulo Escobar, Luis Ayala Gómez and Adolfo Benedetti, who began to draw up plans to seek help for those persecuted by the Argentinean regime, according to Che himself in his diary.

Light of luggage, backpack on his shoulder and with his friend Eduardo García, the man from Rosario arrived at the Balboa port, located at the entrance to the Pacific side of the interoceanic canal, as part of one of his trips through Latin America.

About this he left his testimony: “We are already installed in Panama, without a certain direction, with nothing certain, only the security of arriving. Incredible things have happened. On the other hand: we arrived and nothing happened, the customs officer calmly checked our things, the other employee stamped and retained the passports and we left for Panama City from Balboa, the port where we disembarked¨.

“Fat Red had left the management of a boarding house where we ended up, where they accommodated us in a hallway for a dollar a day each.”

Ernesto Guevara, Che, was captured by the Bolivian army on October 8, 1967, when he was participating in the fight for the liberation of that South American nation, and murdered hours later by orders of the Central Intelligence Agency and the United States Government.

Despite the intention of his executioners to silence his example, Che is today, along with Fidel Castro, one of the greatest revolutionary leaders in Latin America, and other latitudes.
