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Play condemning US blockade against Cuba is staged in Italy (+Photos)

Rome, Oct 7 (Prensa Latina) The play "Cuba: History of the Blockade," by the company POST-IT-33, which was presented a few hours ago at the Villa Lazzaroni Theater in Rome, has been described as a valuable contribution to the solidarity support from the Italian people for the Caribbean nation.

Marco Papacci, president of the National Association of Italy-Cuba Friendship (ANAIC), told Prensa Latina that the play, starring four young actors, is part of the Cuban Culture Festival, which is held from October 10 to 20 each year.

It was promoted by the Rome Circle of ANAIC and its coordinator, Patrizia Petriaggio, with support from authorities of Municipality VII of the Italian capital, in particular its cultural advisor, Ricardo Sbordoni, who has supported various actions to strengthen ties between the people of both nations.

Damiano Viggiano, Salvatore Ricci, Dalila Aprile and Giorgia Lunghi, graduates from the International Theater School and with a long career in theater, staged, in a poetic way, loaded with symbolism, the history of the Cuban Revolution and the aggression by the States United to try to destroy it.

The play, directed by Viggiano, who wrote it together with Ricci, reflects, through the story of a Cuban family, the triumph of the guerrillas in the Sierra Maestra mountain range against the Fulgencio Batista dictatorship, and the development of the revolutionary process.

Consisting of fragments of interviews and speeches by the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, alternating with images of important moments, such as the defeat of the mercenary invasion of Playa Girón (Bay of Pigs), and the October Crisis (Misil Crisis), the play shows the Cuban people’s construction of a new type of society, more just.

The consequences of the United States blockade against Cuba are addressed in the play and how, amid the difficulties faced as a result of it, the Cuban people have always given their solidarity to other nations in the world.

As part of the plot, a young Cuban doctor goes to Italy in 2020, joining a brigade of specialists who helped fight the Covid-19 pandemic in this country, where he meets an Italian doctor, who understand through him Cuba’s history and the profound humanism of its Revolution.

They meet again in Cuba, where the young physician travels to lend her collaboration to the revolutionary process, and the work ends with images of the approval of the condemnation of the blockade at the United Nations General Assembly, like every year for three decades, with the exception of only two countries, the United States and Israel.

At the presentation of the play, Petriaggio noted that it provides better understanding of the characteristics and consequences of the economic, commercial and financial blockade illegitimately imposed on Cuba for more than 60 years.

In his words to Prensa Latina, Sbordoni stated that “for us Cuba is a symbol of the universal struggle in defense of the peoples’ sovereign right to achieve justice,” which is why initiatives, such as this play, in conjunction with ANAIC and other institution, are developed in support of Cuba.

“The promotion of this solidarity action is a very important task,” because “the defense of Cuba is the defense of humanity,” the official added.
