Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Solidarity in Lebanon against attack on Cuban embassy in the US

Beirut, Sep 26 (Prensa Latina) The Lebanese Communist Party today expressed its solidarity with Cuba against the terrorist attack on the Cuban embassy in the United States last Sunday.

In a message, the secretary of the political organization, Hanna Ghareeb, condemned the attack on the Cuban delegation in Washington D.C. and affirmed his support to Cuba, as a symbol of national and social liberation.

At the same time, the Friendship Association in Lebanon described as cowardly the terrorist action against the diplomatic headquarters and expressed its repudiation of these serious events.

Signed by its president Maurice Nohra, the group reiterated its solidarity with the Cuban Revolution and its sovereignty.

Also, the League of Palestinian Graduates of Cuban Universities and Institutes, while repudiating the event, recalled how terrorist gangs supported, financed, trained, manipulated and directed by the CIA operate inside and outside the territory of the United States.

The attack carried out with two Molotov cocktails by an as-yet unidentified person followed the attack perpetrated in April 2020, when an individual fired an assault rifle at the diplomatic legation, causing material damage to the building.

Denouncing the attack, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel stated that this was an act of violence and helplessness, that could have cost valuable lives and called for action on the part of the U.S. authorities.
