Saturday, September 07, 2024
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India criticizes inefficiency of UN Security Council

United Nations, Sep 22 (Prensa Latina) India criticized the ineffectiveness of the United Nations system, particularly its main body, the Security Council, to solve conflicts and maintain international peace and security.

The Secretary for the West of the Foreign Ministry of India Sanjay Verma ratified in the open debate of the UN Security Council the need to reform and reinvent these structures, which he described as “obsolete” and “archaic”.

He specified the urgency of adjustments for multilateralism to be effective, otherwise its credibility will always be in decline. “Unless we solve this systemic defect, we will continue to have deficiencies,” the diplomat said.

Regarding the conflict in Ukraine, Verma reiterated that dialogue and diplomacy are the only possible paths to its solution, and expressed the importance of defending the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations through multilateralism. “Dialogue is the only answer to solve differences and disputes, however discouraging it may seem at the moment. The path to peace requires that we keep all channels of diplomacy open,” he added.

He specified that India’s attitude towards the conflict in Ukraine will continue to focus on people, with the assistance of humanitarian aid.

He expressed India’s concern about the extension of the conflict, which has caused an increase in the prices of food, fuel and fertilizers, with a greater impact on the countries of the Global South, which have had to fend for themselves.

The ambassador considered it essential that the voices of those nations be heard and their legitimate concerns be properly addressed. He also said that he will maintain his commitment to provide economic support to several of his neighbors in the Global South who are facing difficulties.
